In 1874, Inman Line launched the ``City of Berlin," a ship that became a record-breaker. On 25 September 1875, ``City of Berlin" sailed to Sandy Hook, New Jersey (by New York) from Queenstown, Ireland in seven days, eighteen hours, and two minutes. In October, 1876 the steamer would surpass its 1874 record by crossing the Atlantic in seven days and fifteen hours. Though surpassed by White Star's ``Germanic" and ``Britannic," Inman's ``City of Berlin" remained competitive, offering swift passage and luxurious accommodations to travelers. On the left below is an abstract of the log from that first world record crossing. To the right below is an advertisement for a ``City of Berlin" voyage to Liverpool during the Christmas holidays. |
Below is a page from the Inman Royal Mail Steamers Proposed Sailings booklet, dated sometime between September, 1875 and October, 1876. British Inman liners took their names from major world cities and connected New York City with Liverpool, Great Britain, stopping to call at Queenstown, Ireland. |
Inman Line's southern route across the North Atlantic is contrasted with a faster northerly course in the map below. Even though a mere fifty-nine miles constitutes the difference between both routes (2,812 miles from Cork to Sandy Hook as compared to 2,753 further north), Inman Lines maintained that this passage greatly ``lessen[ed] the danger of ice and fogs." |
Inman Line rates of passage for the year 1875 are listed in both leaflets below, steerage passage on the right and cabin passage on the left.
Several of the posted ticket prices include the cost of railroad transportation to or from various European locales.
Undoubtedly, this made the process of finding necessary connections to port much easier for European emigrants about to embark upon their journeys to the Americas. |
Below is an additional page from the Inman Line Proposed Sailings booklet. Note that under ``Rates of Passage," saloon privileges are cited as being ``equal" regardless of accommodation. This statement, however, did not apply to steerage passengers but only those persons paying $60, $80, or $100 in gold. Steerage passengers were not able to enjoy the ``large and well ventilated" saloons, ``situated where the least noise and motion is felt." |
Below is a blank ticket (Number 5861) for steerage passage on an Inman Line Royal Mail steamship issued by John G. Dale, Agent. Inman Line steamers were also licensed to carry United States mail. This ticket is typical of those sold in the 1870s, the decade in which ``City of Berlin" won fame and glory for the line. |
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