Liberty on the Anvil

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Throughout All the Land

After the turn of the 19th century, the State House and its bell settled back into the regular routine of local political business. Beginning in 1824, however, the triumphal return of a favorite adopted son and the increasing vigor of the anti-slavery movement drew new attention to the Old State House and the Bell. By the last decades of the 19th Century, the Liberty Bell had become one of the principal symbols of America's national identity.

The Bellman

The Bellman
Maker and date unknown
Society Print Collection

In 1847, George Lippard popularized the name "Liberty Bell" by ublishing a highly fictionalized account of the supposed ringing of the Bell on July 4, 1776. (It actually rang for the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8). Hundreds of newspaper articles, books, and pamphlets adopted Lippard's story, firmly establishing the name and fame of the "Liberty Bell."


Copyright 2001 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania

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