Liberty on the Anvil

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Destination Pennsylvania

William Penn welcomed settlers of every land, creed, and ambition to populate Pennsylvania. He envisioned his colony as a Quaker-style haven in a heartless world, where "all the Freeman Planters and Adventurers and other Inhabitants" could prosper. The peoples of the world responded energetically to Penn's invitation, building an innovative and wealthy society, one of the most ethnically and racially diverse in early America, with a legacy of diversity that continues into the present.

Portraiture of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania in America.

Portraiture of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania in America.
Thomas Holme
Andrew Sowle, London, 1683
Society Collection

William Penn commissioned Thomas Holme to create a map of Philadelphia in 1683. This famous map was translated into different languages and sent overseas to illustrate the new and growing city in the province and was used as an advertising tool to encourage foreigners to buy lots and move to Philadelphia.



Copyright 2001 The Historical Society of Pennsylvania

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